


 Opening speaking The Address Of Leader :

 Dear friends and colleagues:


 Confucius once said,"What a joy it is to have friends coming from afar!"We are very happy to be here with all of you. First of all,allow me on befalf of my company to extend a warm welcome and cordial greetings to our guests. The ten years,Yingjia in China has been greatly successful after its more than 10 years development since entrance to China in 2004.

 W ith support from all circles of society and hardworking of the staff, the company has developed in rapid speed and become a influential company in domestic.Thank you for your support in the ten years. Finally,I would again express our warm welcome and hope that you will have a fruitful and pleasant visit here. Now,let us raise our glasses and drink to the happiness of our distinguished guests,to the further development of our company. Cheers!

 The Address Of Guest :

 Ladies and Gentlemen:

 Good morning!

 I am glad to be here to celebrate the tenth birthday of Yingjia.On my business years,I enjoy working together Yingjia very much.Doing business with Yingjia Company is one of the delightful experiences in my life. In the ten years,Yingjia tries to select enthusiastic people for important managerial positions in hopes that the enthusiasm will spreed widely.It give me deeply shock.It is the reason why the rapid development of Yingjia. As a matter of fact,I am really excited at the new opportunities your economic development have offered me.We will explore every new possibility to expand our relationship and contribute more to your further growth. Now,may I propose a toast. Here is to the success of our cooperation,to the continuation of our friendship and to the success of your great development. Bottoms up!

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