


新托福TPO11综合写作材料及1  Thelecturerraisesseveralargumentstocounterthereadingpassage’sstrongcriticismofthe下面是小编为大家整理的2023年度新托福TPO11综合写作材料及,菁选2篇【通用文档】,供大家参考。



  The lecturer raises several arguments to counter the reading passage’s strong criticism of the public’s declining interest in reading literature.

  The lecturer argues that literature is only one among many forms of reading genres from which the public can benefit intellectually. The public also benefits from reading works of science fiction and historical novels, among other reading genres. Therefore, the reading is wrong to claim that the public is suffering great losses by not reading literature.

  Furthermore, the lecturer explains that even if it is true that the public is reading fewer books and watching more television and films instead, it does not necessarily mean that culture is in decline. Television and film are sim* modern forms of cultural expression that are also intellectually stimulating and directly relevant to contemporary life.

  Finally, the lecturer admits a decline in audience and support of literature in today’s society, but she attributes it to the authors themselves, who have alienated themselves from the reading public by using overly complex language. The reading, however, blames the lowering standards of the public for the declining interest in reading great works of literature.


  A recent study reveals that people especially young people are reading far less literature – novels, plays, and poems – than they used to. This is troubling because the trend has unfortunate effects for the reading public, for culture in general, and for the future of literature itself.


  While there has been a decline in book reading generally, the decline has been especially sharp for literature. This is unfortunate because nothing else provides the intellectual stimulation that literature does. Literature encourages us to exercise our imaginations, empathize with others, and expand our understanding of language. So, by reading less literature, the reading public is missing out on important benefits.


  Unfortunately, missing out on the benefits of literature is not the only problem. What are people reading instead? Consider the prevalence of self-help books on lists of best seller. These are usually superficial poorly written, and intellectually undemanding. Additionally, instead of sitting down with a challenging novel, many persons are now more likely to turn on the television, watch a music video, or read a Web page. Clearly, diverting time previously spent in reading literature to trivial forms of entertainment has lowered the level of culture in general.


  The trend of reading less literature is all the more regrettable because it is taking place during a period when good literature is being written. There are many talented writers today, but they lack an audience. This fact is bound to lead publishers to invest less in literature and so support fewer serious writers. Thus, the writing as well as the reading of literature is likely to decline because of the poor standards of today’s readers.


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