


 政府工作报告 Report on the Work of the Government 全国人民代表大会 National People"s Congress of the People"s Republic of China 第四次会议 the Fourth Session 国务院 the State Council 审议 deliberation and approval 全国委员会 the National Committee 全国政协 (中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会)

 The National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference 多重困难和严峻挑战

 many difficulties and challenges 党中央 the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) 总书记 General Secretary(没有冠词)

 攻坚克难 overcome obstacles 开拓进取 press ahead with a pioneering spirit 社会主义现代化建设 socialist modernization 稳中有进、稳中有好 progress has been achieved and stability ensured

 保持在合理区间 within an appropriate range 增长 representing an increase of 主要经济体 major economies 粮食产量 food crop production 连增 increase in a row 居民消费价格 consumer prices

 特别是 of particular note 就业形势 the employment situation 经济运行的一大亮点 an economic highlight 结构调整 structural adjustment 取得积极进展 encouraging progress was made 服务业 the service sector

 占据 accounting for 消费对经济增长的贡献率 The contribution of consumption toward economic growth 高技术产业 high-tech industries 装备制造业 equipment manufacturing 单位国内生产总值能耗 energy consumption per unit of GDP 新动能 New driving forces

 加快成长 grew rapidly 创新驱动发展战略 the strategy of innovation-driven development 持续推进 Further progress was made 加速融合

 the penetration picked up pace 新兴产业 emerging industries 大众创业、万众创新 Business startups and innovations by the general public 新登记注册企业 newly registered businesses 稳就业 keeping employment stable 促升级 pushing ahead industry upgrading 深刻变革 profound change 人均可支配收入 Personal per capita disposable income 居民储蓄存款 personal savings deposits 扶贫攻坚力度加大 greater alleviation efforts 国际先进水平 world-class 下线

 rolled off the assembly line 诺贝尔生理学或医学奖 the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine 来之不易 do not come easily 世界经济增速 world economic growth 在……环境中 in the context of

 复 杂 严 峻 的 国 际 环 境 complicated and challenging international environment

 大宗商品价格 commodity prices 国际金融市场 the global financial market 造成直接冲击和影响

 have a direct impact on 国内深层次矛盾 deep-seated domestic problems 经济下行压力 downward pressure on the economy/downward economic pressure 远近结合 combine long-term and short-term considerations 趋利避害 seek benefit and avoid harm 三期叠加 the slowdown in economic growth, making difficult structural adjustments, and absorbing the effects of previous economic stimulus policies 稳增长 maintain stable growth 调结构 make structural adjustments 防风险 guard against risks 创新 develop new ways of 宏观调控 macro regulation 为应对 in responding to 持续加大的经济下行压力 mounting downward pressure on the economy 在……基础上 on the basis of 实施 exercise 定向调控 targeted regulation 相机调控 well-timed regulation 区间调控 range-based regulation 财政政策 fiscal policy 注重 focus on 加力增效 increase intensity and efficacy 扩大范围 expand the scope of 结构性减税 structural tax reductions 普遍性降费 reduce fees across the board 盘活财政存量资金 put dormant budgetary funds to good use

 地方政府债券 local government bonds

 发行 issue 置换 replace 未偿还的 outstanding 万亿 trillion 降低利息负担 lessen the interest payment burden 偿债压力 debt repayment pressure 稳健的货币政策 prudent monetary policy 松紧适度 with an appropriate amount of intensity 多次降低、削减 make several cuts 准——法定准备金率 required reserve ratios 存贷比 loan-to-deposit ratio 货币政策 monetary policy

 实体经济 real economy 加大支持力度 increase support for sth 有效投资 effective investment 专项资金 special-purpose funds 水利 water conservancy 城镇棚户区 rundown urban areas

 农村危房 dilapidated rural housing 休闲旅游 recreational travel 网购 online shopping 信息消费 information goods and services 积极应对 respond proactively to 多种风险挑战 a variety of risks and challenges 异常波动 unusual fluctuations 股市 the stock market 汇市(外汇市场)

 the foreign exchange market 系统性区域性 systemic or regional

 维护了……安全 safeguard……security 激发市场活力 invigorate the market 加大改革开放力度 intensify reform and opening up 强刺激(政策)strong stimulus policies 推动 move forward with 结构性改革 structural reform 简政放权 streamline administration and delegate more powers 优化服务 provide better services 行政审批 government review 职业资格 professional qualifications 许可和认定 verification or approval 彻底终结 put a complete stop to sth 非行政审批 non-administrative review 事中事后 operational and post-operational 监管 oversight 群众和企业 individuals and businesses

 项目 item 专项转移支付 special transfer payments

 一般性转移支付 general transfer payments 稳步实施 steady progress was made 从价征税的 ad valorem

 范围扩大 to cover more types of 取消 was removed 推出 was introduced 建立 was established 浮动带 floating band 上限 the upper limit of

 存款利率 deposit rates 存款保险制度 the deposit insurance system

 人民币跨境支付系统 the RMB cross-border payment system 价格改革 pricing reform 国有企业 state-owned enterprise (SOE) 投融资 investment and financing 全面深化改革 intensify reform in all respects

 成效正在显现 are beginning to deliver results 对外贸易 foreign trade 全面检修 overhaul

 规范 regulate 进出口环节收费 charges for imports and exports 积极改变 make a change 外商投资 overseas investment in China 实行备案管理 be undertaken on a simple reporting basis 非金融类对外直接投资 non-financial outward foreign direct investment 加入 was included in

 特别提款权货币篮子 Special Drawing Rights basket 亚投行 the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank 正式成立 was officially inaugurated 投入运营 opened for business 自贸协定 free trade agreements 自贸区升级议定书 the Protocol to Amend the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation 一带一路 the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative (the Belt and Road Initiative) 国际产能合作 our industrial-capacity cooperation with other countries 出台 were introduced 落实 was implemented 创客 maker 创业 start business

 创新 make innovations 农业发展方式 the agricultural growth model 新兴产业培育 foster new industries 传统产业改造提升 upgrade traditional ones 中小企业 small and medium-sized enterprises 国家自主创新示范区 national innovation demonstration zones 企业兼并重组 business acquisitions and restructuring 重量箱 weight case 平板玻璃 plate glass 加快发展 pick up momentum 狠抓 take serious measures to do sth 节能减排 conserve energy, reduce emissions 环境保护 protect the environment 约束性指标 obligatory targets 自主减排行动 self-imposed emissions reduction 国际气候变化谈判 international negotiations on climate change 取得积极成果 contributed to the positive outcomes

 区域协调发展 coordinated development between regions 新型城镇化 the new type of urbanization/new urbanization 协调发展 coordinated development 东、中、西、东北地区“四大板块” the eastern region, the central region, the western region, and the northeast 重点推进 priority was placed on moving forward with 三大战略 the Three Initiatives “一带一路”建设 the Belt and Road Initiative 京津冀协同发展 the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration initiative 长江经济带发展 the Yangtze Economic Belt initiative 产业布局 the distribution of industries

 推进 press ahead with 户籍制度改革 the reform of the household registration system 居住证制度 residence certification system 城镇基础设施建设 urban infrastructure 取得新成效 make progress in

 新型城镇化 new urbanization/ the new type of urbanization 增进民生福祉 improve living standards 社会事业 social programs 加大力度 to intensify efforts to

 保障民生 ensure the wellbeing of our people 推出新的政策 New policies were launched 高校毕业生和就业困难群体 college graduates and those with difficulties finding employment 城镇保障性安居工程住房 government-subsidized housing units 棚户区住房 housing units in rundown urban areas 农村危房 dilapidated houses in rural areas 一大批 large numbers of

 住房困难家庭 families that are struggling with housing 圆了安居梦 realize their dream of having a home to settle in 加快改善 moved more quickly to improve 贫困地区 poor areas 义务教育 compulsory education


 the professional title system for elementary and secondary school teachers 重点高校 key institutions of higher learning 公立医院 public hospital 县级 at the county level 居民大病保险 the serious disease insurance scheme

 重特大疾病 major and serious diseases put in place 落实到位 生活补贴 living allowances 重度残疾人 persons with severe disabilities 护理补贴 nursing care subsidies 机关事业单位 Party and government offices and public institutions 养老保险制度 the pension system 工资制度 wage system 公共文化服务建设 public cultural services 有了更多获得感 result in a stronger sense of benefit

 推动……方式创新 develop new ways of 依法行政和治理 law-based administration and governance 促进社会和谐稳定 promote social harmony and stability 国务院 the State Council 全国人大常委会 the Standing Committee of the National People"s Congress 法律议案 legislative proposals 行政法规 administrative regulations 电子政务 e-government

 网上办事 online administration 政务公开 government transparency 加快推进 efforts were accelerated to 建立……机制 set up a mechanism 重大政策 major government policies 落实 implementation 第三方评估 third-party evaluations 自然灾害 natural disasters 突发事件 emergencies 加强 Efforts were stepped up to … 安全生产监管 ensure workplace safety

 继续下降 we have seen a continued reduction in… 事故总量 the number of total accidents 重特大事故 accidents of a serious or large-scale nature 重点行业 industries where accidents tend to be more common 推进 move ahead with 创建示范行动 the demonstration initiative 保障食品安全 ensure food safety 强化……综合治理 We strengthened all-round efforts to 社会治安 law and order 打击 cracked down on 依法 in accordance with the law 维护公共安全 safeguard public security 我们深入开展……教育 The campaign to build understanding of… was intensified 锲而不舍落实……精神 continued to be implemented 坚决纠正 ...

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